Born in Oakland, California
Lives and works in Los Angeles, CA

Lainey Racah is a multidisciplinary artist and poet working in painting, installation and video projection, informed by studies in poetry and performance and a deep interest in material process and its relationship to the body. Her work explores themes of environmentalism, fluidity, and strategies of visibility and collectivity through engaging with queer genealogies. Performance and process – stains from fluid movement, material traces left from bodily action and the passage of time – form and shape the work. Her interest in holes, cuts and fragments are conceptual, processual, and material markers in her research and practice. This interest represents her concern for the interstitial, the byproduct, the contradiction; thinking about what it means to make work through a queer lens and body, prioritizing fluidity and imagining the alternative, and engaging with legacies of queer art and writing.

Racah holds a B.A. in Art with a minor in English from UCLA, where she received the Emma B. Keller Fine Arts Scholarship, and an MFA from the USC Roski School of Art with a Performance Studies Certificate. Racah has shown her work in New York and Los Angeles, including a solo, site specific exhibition along the Los Angeles River as part of the curatorial project Some Clouds.